What's my barcode and PIN, and what can I use it for?


Red Deer Polytechnic iCard

What is my Barcode and PIN used for?

All Red Deer Polytechnic students, faculty, and staff automatically have a Library membership and account, accessed by your barcode and NEOS (Library) PIN.

Use your barcode and PIN to:

  • check out Library materials at the Library Desk
  • renew or view items you have checked out
  • place items on hold (both catalogue items and database articles) from other NEOS Libraries
  • view or cancel items you have on hold
  • view your Library fines

What's my Barcode?

Your iCard is your library card. If you have your iCard, look at the front to find your barcode number. If you don't have your iCard, check your RDP email: all students receive an email informing them of their barcode number, which is a 13-digit number. If you can't find that email, or have any questions, contact us during Library hours and we'll look it up for you.

What's my PIN?

You are automatically assigned a NEOS PIN, which is a 4-digit number. If you don't know your NEOS PIN, enter your iCard barcode number and your RDP email address here, and your PIN will be emailed to your RDP email account.

Your PIN does not expire, but you can change your NEOS PIN at anytime (you'll need your iCard barcode and current NEOS PIN to do so).

  • NOTE: use numbers and/or letters only (no special symbols or punctuation). 
  • The change will take 1-2 hours to take effect.


Log in to My Library Account to renew items, view checkouts, place and view holds, and view fines.

  • Last Updated Jan 22, 2025
  • Views 11050
  • Answered By RDP Library

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