How will the "Place Holds" function change as RDP Library moves to a new platform?
Red Deer Polytechnic Library is moving to a new platform on May 1, 2025.
As a result, there will be changes to the Place Holds function in the Library catalogue.
Holds on RDP Library Materials
RDP students, faculty, and staff placing a Hold on an RDP item
There is no change to the Place Holds function in the Library catalogue for RDP items requested by RDP students, faculty, and staff.
RDP students, faculty, and staff can continue to use their NEOS barcode and PIN to place a hold on an RDP Library item in the Library Catalogue.
Closer to May 1, 2025, this functionality will be unavailable. Those details are not yet known but will be communicated as they are determined.
Other NEOS Library members placing a Hold on an RDP item
Members of other NEOS Libraries, or former members, can read this FAQ to learn about changes to the way they access RDP Library materials.
Holds on Materials Owned by Other NEOS Libraries
Placing a Hold on another NEOS Library’s items prior to their departure from the Library Catalogue (according to the schedule below) continues to require your NEOS barcode and PIN.
It could take up to 10 days for your item to arrive. Delivery dates are out of our control.
As each NEOS Member Library leaves the shared catalogue (according to the schedule below), the following changes will occur:
- RDP members will not be able to Place a Hold on a departed library’s item (using your NEOS barcode and PIN), but will instead request those items through Interlibrary Loan. This will be a slower process.
- Note: a departed library's items may continue to appear in catalogue search results after their scheduled departure date, and there may be a "Place Hold" link. However, the Place Hold function will not work correctly if the library has departed from NEOS. Request such items from another NEOS Library which has not yet departed or through Interlibrary Loan.
- Note: the inability to Place a Hold on a departing library's item may occur several weeks prior to that library's departure date. We have no control over this; the timing is up to that library.
- RDP members will not be able to borrow items from the departed library using their RDP iCard.
- RDP members will not be able to physically return library materials to the departed library.
- RDP members will not be able to pick up NEOS Holds at the departed library.
- Holdings within the shared catalogue may be inaccurate.
- Holdings within the shared catalogue will shrink as libraries depart.
Closer to May 1, 2025, this functionality will be unavailable. Those details are not yet known but will be communicated as they are determined.
Changes will be gradual as each Member Library departs the shared catalogue according to this schedule:
- Alberta Health Services and Covenant Libraries – Exit completed (January 2024).
- Northern Lakes College Library – Exit completed (September 2024).
- MacEwan University Library – Exit completed (November 2024).
- Olds College Library - Exit completed (February 2025).
- Newman Theological College Library – Exit scheduled for March 2025.
- Norquest College Library - Exit scheduled for April 2025.
- Concordia University of Edmonton Library - Exit scheduled for April 2025.
- Red Deer Polytechnic Library - Exit scheduled for May 1, 2025.
- Keyano College Library - Exit scheduled for May 2025.
- King’s University Library - Exit scheduled for May 2025.
- Northwestern Polytechnic Library - Exit scheduled for May 2025.
- Burman University Library - Exit scheduled for May 2025.
- University of Alberta - Exit scheduled for July 2025.
For more information, contact:
Project Lead / General Questions
Mary Dallas:
Project Manager / Technical Questions
Tara Gunsch:
Questions from Other Libraries regarding Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing
Barb Mahoney:
Questions from RDP Faculty about Finding, Using, and Linking Library Resources
Sona Macnaughton: