How can members of other NEOS libraries access RDP Library materials during the transition to a new Library platform?


Red Deer Polytechnic Library, and all NEOS Libraries, are moving to a new platform on May 1, 2025.

As a result, there will be changes to the way members of other NEOS Libraries access RDP Library materials. This also includes member of former NEOS Libraries.

If unsure whether your NEOS Library has departed the shared catalogue, please check this schedule.

Members of NEOS Libraries who have not departed the shared catalogue

Place a Hold on RDP Library Materials

There is no change to the Place Holds function in the Library catalogue for members of NEOS Libraries who have not yet departed the shared catalogue (according to this schedule). Continue to use your NEOS barcode and PIN to place a hold on an RDP Library item in the shared catalogue. Holds will be delivered to your home library and may be returned to your home library.

However, later in the Winter term (exact date to be determined, but prior to May 1), the Place Hold function for RDP Library materials will be blocked for members of other NEOS Libraries. That specific date will be shared when it's determined. When that occurs, you can work with your home library to obtain RDP Library materials through Interlibrary Loan.

Borrow and Renew RDP Library Materials

There is no change to borrowing or renewing RDP Library materials for members of NEOS Libraries who have not yet departed the shared catalogue (according to this schedule). Continue to use your home library card/credentials to borrow and renew RDP Library materials.

However, later in the Winter term (exact date to be determined, but prior to May 1), borrowing and renewing of RDP Library materials will be blocked for members of other NEOS Libraries. That specific date will be shared when it's determined. When that occurs, you can work with your home library to obtain RDP Library materials through Interlibrary Loan.

Members of NEOS Libraries who have already departed the shared catalogue

Place a Hold on RDP Library Materials

Members of NEOS Libraries who have already departed the shared catalogue (see schedule) cannot Place a Hold on RDP Library items in the shared catalogue. Please work with your home library to obtain RDP Library materials through Interlibrary Loan.

Borrow and Renew RDP Library Materials

Members of NEOS Libraries who have already departed the shared catalogue (see schedule) are welcome to borrow RDP Library materials. Visit us in person and we will set you up with a free RDP Library membership.

  • Last Updated Jan 23, 2025
  • Views 5
  • Answered By RDP Library

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