About your Library membership: Community, Alumni, High school students, Teachers, RDPL, and TAL members


Membership is free for:

  • Residents of Central Alberta
  • Red Deer Polytechnic / Red Deer College alumni
  • Central Alberta high school students
  • Central Alberta teachers
  • Members of Red Deer Public Library
  • Members of any library in Alberta, through The Alberta Library

Bring current ID to apply in person at the Library Desk.

Note: A card granting access to Library computers and printing can be purchased for $2.

Membership Privileges: RDP Library Materials (physical collections)

Type of Library Item Loan Period Number of Renewals Late Fine
Materials from the Main collection, the Leisure Reading collection, and the Curriculum collection 2 weeks 4 $1.00/day/item
Reserve collection: Please ask staff if you are interested in borrowing from our reserve collection. In-library use only n/a n/a
Materials from other NEOS libraries 2 weeks 4 $1.00/day/item

There is no limit to the number of items you may borrow.


Fines will be charged for library materials which have been recalled but not returned on time, at the rate of $1.00/item/day; your borrowing privilege may also be suspended.

Learn more about Recall.

Lost or Damaged Materials

Fines will be charged for library materials which are lost or damaged, and your borrowing privilege may be suspended.

Find out more.

Membership Privileges: RDP Library Materials (e-collections)

Access electronic materials in the Library; no off-campus access.

Learn more.

Membership Privileges: Getting Materials from Other Libraries

If the item you wish to borrow is available in another NEOS Library, you may place a Hold to receive the item for free. Learn more.
Interlibrary loan facilitated by RDP Library is not available for community borrowers. If the item you wish to borrow is not available at Red Deer Polytechnic Library, nor at a NEOS Library, visit your local public library to learn about interlibrary loan options.
  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2024
  • Views 602
  • Answered By RDP Library

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