What happens if my Internet is disrupted, or I have technical issues, during an online exam?


In the event of a technical issue during an online exam, document the situation so that your instructor can determine next steps. Video evidence and/or screenshots are recommended. 

If you have trouble with your Internet connection and are able to complete the online exam: 

  • Switch from Internet to a data-based hotspot, if possible 
  • Document the issue and steps taken to rectify the situation by taking screenshots or using your phone to record what is happening 
  • Immediately contact your instructor through email or phone (or through whatever means they have provided) to inform them of the situation 
  • Continue with the online exam, if possible 
  • At the conclusion of the online exam, contact your instructor again, letting them know the outcome and providing them with the screenshots and/or video 

If you have trouble with your Internet connection and are not able to complete the online exam: 

  • Document the issue and steps taken to rectify the situation by taking screenshots or using your phone to record what is happening 
  • Immediately contact your instructor through email or phone (or through whatever means they have provided) to inform them of the situation 
  • At the conclusion of the online exam, contact your instructor again, letting them know the outcome and providing them with the screenshots and/or video 

Adapted with permission from Guidelines for Resolving Technical Issues During Online Assessments & Exams (Students), 2020, by the University of Alberta. 

  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2024
  • Views 428
  • Answered By RDP Library

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