How do I take a test in Blackboard?


Your instructor may include tests within your Blackboard course.

Navigate to the test and select the title. On the next page, select Begin. Your instructor may require an access code; if so, type the code and select Submit. Contact your Instructor if you don't have the access code. 

After you complete the test, you may see your score immediately if the test is auto-graded and your instructor has chosen to release this information. However, your instructor may choose a date in the future to release test scores while all students take the test over the course of a few days.


  • Start the test as soon as you can. If your instructor makes a test available for three days, plan to take the test on the first day. That way, if you have an issue, you'll have time to contact technical support and/or your instructor.
  • Read all of the instructions. If you have trouble understanding any questions, contact your instructor.
  • Don't refresh the page, close the window, or use the browser's back button while you are taking a test.
  • If you have problems during a test, contact your instructor immediately.


  • Last Updated May 07, 2024
  • Views 159
  • Answered By RDP Library

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