How do I find the best database for my subject?
The Library provides several databases and other research tools, covering a wide variety of subject areas, but it can be hard to know where to begin.
Here are some ways you can find the best databases for your subject:
A-Z List
If you know the title of the database, find it on our A-Z List, where all the databases we've licensed for use by RDP students, faculty, and staff are listed.
Subject Guides
We have a subject guide for every subject area taught at RDP. Find our subject guides by going to the Library Homepage and clicking the link for Subject Guides, in the Research Guides box. The complete list of all our subject guides will appear, and you can choose the most appropriate one from the list.
Once you're at the specific subject guide you need, look for the Key Resources box and choose the database you feel is the best fit for your topic.
OneSearch is a one-stop shop for full text articles, books, and more, searching almost all of our databases at once.