How do I find a book?


Books & e-books may be found physically on a shelf at RDP Library, online, or at other libraries.

You can search for books in OneSearch.

At the Library

Like most academic libraries, RDP Library's collection is organized by subject using the Library of Congress classification system. When you find a print book on the shelf, you can look at the books around it as they might be helpful, too.

Each item has a unique call number. Call numbers are a combination of letters and numbers that tell you the book’s location in the library.

Watch this video to learn how to read a call number and find your book on the library's shelves. 

The Main Collection, Curriculum Collection, and CDs are located on Floor 2, while the Leisure Reading Collection is on Floor 1.


Access is limited to RDP students, staff, and faculty due to licensing restrictions. RDP students, faculty, or staff who are off-campus will need to enter their RDP email address and password to access an e-book or other licensed resource.

Electronic books (e-books) are accessible through the library catalogue, OneSearch. When you find an e-book in the Library Catalogue, look for the Red Deer Polytechnic Access link:

The Red Deer Polytechnic Access link on an ebook result in EBSCO


  • Last Updated Dec 20, 2024
  • Views 417
  • Answered By RDP Library

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