How do I download course materials from Blackboard?


The method for downloading material from Blackboard depends on the type of file and the way that your Instructor added the file to Blackboard. Here are some tips for downloading from Blackboard:


Chances are you probably have copies of your submitted assignments in your files, but, if you don’t, then you may wish to download your submitted assignments. Also, your instructor might have returned assignments with comments via Blackboard. Either way, if your assignment was submitted or returned as an attachment, you can download it. Go to the part of Blackboard where you submitted the assignment (Assignments, SafeAssign, or Mail), and download the file from there.

If you submitted your assignment via RDP email, then your assignment will not be available in Blackboard; check your RDP email Inbox and Sent folders for these assignments.


PDF documents may open within Blackboard or in a new window. To download a PDF from Blackboard, use the Save icon on the PDF (not in the web browser).


Instructors may have added class slides to Blackboard in one of two ways:

  1. As a PowerPoint file which opens within Blackboard or within a new window. In this case, right-click and save the document from its link in Blackboard.
  2. As a PDF version of the PowerPoint, that needs to be downloaded as a PDF file, then saved.

Class Notes 

Instructors may have added class notes to Blackboard in one of two ways:

  1. As a Word document which opens within Blackboard or within a new window. In this case, right-click and save the document from its link in Blackboard.
  2. As PDF version of a Word document, that needs to be downloaded as a PDF file, then saved.

Attachments from Blackboard Mail

To save attachments from Mail Messages in Blackboard, you can:

  1. open your Mail message
  2. select View Attachments
  3. select the attachments that you wish to save and choose Save to Folder
  4. select My Computer and save your files

If you have further questions about downloading course materials from Blackboard, contact your instructor.


  • Last Updated Jul 11, 2024
  • Views 2106
  • Answered By RDP Library

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