What does "delivery method" mean, in the RDP timetable?


When viewing the RDP Timetable, you may notice a column for "delivery method." This column explains how the instructor will teach the class. 

Delivery Method Definitions

Face to Face: Instruction occurs in person at a set scheduled time.

Online: Instruction occurs in an online environment. See each course's attributes for details on whether you will be expected to learn in a synchronous, asynchronous, or combined approach.

Synchronous: Instruction takes place in an online virtual classroom at a set scheduled time.

Asynchronous: Instruction is not scheduled and learning occurs independently, at any time. Learners are responsible for pacing their learning and meeting deadlines within a set course schedule.

Hybrid: Instruction occurs simultaneously face to face and synchronously at a set scheduled time. Students choose how they attend each class.

HyFlex: Instruction occurs simultaneously face to face and synchronously at a set scheduled time, and asynchronously at any time. Students can choose how they participate in their learning.

Blended: Instruction alternates between face to face and online within a set schedule. Online instruction can be synchronous or asynchronous.

Questions? Contact the Student Connect Centre: 403.342.3254 | studentconnect@rdpolytech.ca


  • Last Updated Nov 05, 2024
  • Views 30
  • Answered By RDP Library

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