I use resources from the Library as readings for my course. Are these considered OER?


This information is for faculty at RDP.

Library resources offer no-cost access to course materials for students, faculty, and staff. However, these resources are licensed (i.e. paid for) by the Library, and therefore are not OER. 

For a resource to be considered open, it must have a license that permits no-cost access and permits users to adapt and redistribute the resource. 

There are a few reasons why library-licensed resources do not meet this definition: Image showing the characteristics of free resources, versus open resources

  1. No-cost access. Although students, faculty, and staff have access to library-licensed resources, these resources are not “no-cost.” In fact, Red Deer Polytechnic Library pays a substantial amount each year for access to these resources.
  2. Adaptability. Due to copyright law and licensing agreements, library-licensed resources cannot be adapted or modified. 
  3. Redistribution. Due to copyright law and licensing agreements, library-licensed resources cannot be redistributed or shared beyond RDP users. 

Image created by Canvas Network (CC-BY)

  • Last Updated Apr 06, 2023
  • Views 31
  • Answered By RDP Library

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