Is it okay to use images or other materials from the Internet for educational purposes?

Is it okay to use images or other materials from the Internet in a Blackboard course?


It depends on what you want to do.

Materials on the Internet are treated the same under copyright law as any other copyright materials, so if you want to use them, they must meet one of these criteria:

If the material isn’t from an open access or public domain source, and doesn't fall into one of the Act’s exceptions, you will have to obtain permission from the copyright owner.

You should check the website’s ‘Terms of Use’ or ‘Legal Notices’ section to confirm what conditions apply to use of the website’s material, including whether educational use is explicitly prohibited. Many websites will allow non-commercial and/or educational use of their materials.

Check our guide for suggestions on finding copyright-friendly images, videos, and music.

  • Last Updated Dec 04, 2022
  • Views 345
  • Answered By RDP Library

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