What are a copyright owner's rights?


Copyright ensures that you have the sole right to publish and reproduce your works in any form, with the exception of the user rights granted by the Copyright Act (e.g. fair dealing, educational exemption).

You do not need to apply for copyright for the works you create. Whenever you create an original literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, copyright automatically applies.

More information on your copyright rights and protections

You may give up your copyright, or assign it to someone else, through a license (or author agreement). A license allows someone else to use your work based on conditions, and for purposes, that you have approved. You will still retain ownership if you provide someone a license to use your work.

If you would like to make your works more openly available than copyright generally allows, you can attach a Creative Commons license to your work to indicate the ways anyone can use your works without requiring permission.

More information on licenses and author agreements

  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2023
  • Views 25
  • Answered By RDP Library

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